Monday, July 31, 2006

New allegations against Assa!

With the newest allegations of impropriety from Asa Hutchinson, will we see the all out smear machine of the Republican Party kick into full throttle earlier than thought? Apparently Asa was awarded a seat on the board of directors for a company named Saflink. This same company was the recipient of a hugely wasteful contract that Asa helped steer their way while at the Department of Homeland Insecurity. I am betting the bait and switch routine will start early this election year with Asa trailing miserably in the polls, funding, and now possible ethics violations. Get ready for a full season of God, Gays, and Guns, if you weren't already.


Anonymous said...

and flagburning

Anonymous said...

gee, it takes a literary genius to transform Asa's name like that. Wow, I bet you're the first person ever to figure that out.

Anonymous said...

He's an ass, even if his name is Asa.

rob_star said...

Bill Shakespeare,

It was not literary genius, however capable I am of obtaining such power, that I was striving for. I just happen to know Mr. Hutchinson and his family. He is an ass and I will treat him as such on this thread or any other.

Anonymous said...

Hey JackAss-
The story put out by the dems is BS.

rob_star said...

It doesn't matter. I am working off of the Bush mantra: Repeat it enough times and it becomes true. The truth these days is maleable so who really knows the truth.

Anonymous said...

Asa will lose, and you know it.

Anonymous said...

You Democrats are so pathetic it's funny. You people are SO going to get a beating at the polls come November. Your liberal ticket is out of the mainstream with a majority of Arkansas voters. Oh, and referring to Jim Holt as Jesus Jim shows just today's Democratic party is all about: hating anybody who professes faith in God. You people make me sick.

Anonymous said...

What makes me sick is someone who professes to be a Christian, but has no idea what that really means. And I don't think anyone here has referred to Jim Holt at all, so why are you bringing his name into this?

Anonymous said...

Republicans are fucking idiots. They play off of people's religion, like that is a real issue. Fuck morality, i want cheaper gas, and a pres. who isn't a fucking moron. When did liberal become a bad word. Coulter is the dirtiest word i know. Nightmares from that bitch.

rob_star said...

Anon 9:37,

If I am so far out of the mainstream in Arkansas, then why did Hillary Clinton of all people beat out Gov. Huckabee in a recent poll of Arkansans for the presidential race? This, according to the latest SurveyUSA polling of 583 registered Arkansas voters. Furthermore a recent Rasmussen poll indicated that when no specific candidates were named, the good people of Arkansas would, by a margin of 15 points, like to see a Democrat in the White House in '08. If I am so far out of the mainstream, as you profess, then why is every statewide campaign being led heavily by Democrats?