Sunday, August 06, 2006

Republican Party hijacked by morons

Anyone with any common sense and even a rudimentary understanding of economics knows that the economy needs to be tweaked occasionally by raising or lowering taxes. The Republican Party has been hijacked by extremists in the social arena but more importantly by economists of the crazy variety. It doesn't matter to these people what the question is, the answer is always the same: Lower taxes, lower taxes, lower taxes. With the minimum wage at a 50 year low in Real dollars the Republican Party tried last week to hijack the paltry raise in the minimum wage (that would not have brought it up to the 1955 Real dollar rate) by adding an amendment to give the wealthiest .1 % of Americans in the investor class (i.e. don't work) a huge tax break. They like to talk about redistribution of wealth quite a bit so let me tell you something. If these people aren't helping to pay the bill then you and I will end up paying it and since we are borrowing all this money we will have to pay it back with interest. It borders on treason to give tax breaks by borrowing money from the communists so we can line the pockets of the ultra wealthy and their worthless children. Here in Arkansas we have a man running for governor that has taken advantage of every tax break that his buddy in the White House has given him and always advocates more tax breaks. Asa Hutchinson and company will continue to take my state and my nation on a collision course with bankruptcy if we don't stop them now. The Bush Administration has taken his party and the country so far to the right that Republicans from twenty years ago would never recognize their party. If anyone in their midst even thinks about looking at both sides of an argument they are forever branded a liberal in today's GOP. Ronald Reagan raised the FICA tax, George Bush the first raised taxes, and I will finish this thought with a quote from Richard M. Nixon from the first Nixon-Kennedy debate. The question was asked, and I am paraphrasing, how to balance the federal budget after the previous four years of unheard of deficits (a couple billion dollars-ha ha).Nixon's response:MR. NIXON. Yes. I think what Mr. Novins was referring to was not one of Senator Kennedy's speeches, but the Democratic platform, which did mention cutting the national debt.I think, too, that it should be pointed out that, of course, it is not possible, particularly under the proposals that Senator Kennedy has advocated either to cut the national debt or to reduce taxes. As a matter of fact, it will be necessary to raise taxes. Now, with that being said by Dick, I think my point has been proven for me. Nixon and the rest of the aforementioned conservatives would be labeled as liberals in today's Republican Party. If I had time I could go in to all sorts of wacky liberal ideas that Nixon had, like more funding for social programs, gasp! Taxes need to be lowered sometimes and they need to be raised sometimes. We are currently living in a period of record deficits and a national debt approaching $9,000,000,000,000 while we are in the middle of two wars and about to start another one. Let me ask you this, is there any circumstance under which these folks WOULD advocate a tax raise? I seriously doubt it. Is it going to take the complete collapse of the dollar or possibly another depression, I'd like to know. We can't pay for the stuff we are buying so we borrow money from the Red Chinese communists and the despotic dictatorship of Saudi Arabia yet the people over at ArkFam.facism are calling Mike Huckabee a liberal and at the same time advocating what amounts to welfare for the richest Americans. How VERY un-American of them to do so. We aren't giving these people tax refunds, what we are really doing is borrowing money from our children to give it to already wealthy Americans, if I can even call them Americans, so they can sock it away in trust funds for their children who will never have to work and probably never will. Maybe they will see the error of their judgment in the bread line or at the soup kitchen but of course it will be too late then. We have to stop these clowns before they ruin what is left of our democracy.


Anonymous said...

Ok, you do realize that personally Beebe is much wealthier than Asa, right?

Thus he benefits more from the tax breaks for the ultra-rich of which you speak.

Anonymous said...

I'd be interested in contributing to this blog, but I can't seem to find an E-mail address for you. Could you post one?

rob_star said...

You can contact me @

I am looking to add about 3 contributors.