Monday, September 04, 2006

George Allen: Racist or Dullard?

With Allen reeling from the macaca incident where he called out a citizen of Virginia by welcoming him to America and to Virginia with an ethnic slur, he is now having to explain a photograph taken in 1996 of him with the leadership of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC). The CCC is a white supremacist hate group, as if the picture didn't give it away. The CCC is known in all white power circles as part of the movement despite their level of secrecy. The CCC is not the hooded racists of the past, as they have tried to retain some level of respect and legitimacy in the public's eye. The past ten years have seen a rise in the profile of the CCC among the white supremacist movement because of their button up approach to racism and the progress they have made in helping get like minded people like George Allen get elected to public office. So is George Allen a bonafide racist of the Strom Thurmond variety or is he just stupid? In either case he does not belong on the floor of the United States Senate. Here is a link to the CCC's blog site: . If you don't believe me, just read for yourself.

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