Monday, October 16, 2006

Republicans throwing themselves an anvil

With new scandals popping up each day, it's hard to keep track of them but let's try anyway. The wheels are coming off the bus over at the GOP headquarters and with the midterm election only 22 days away, it is hard to tell whether the Republicans will even have any Senators or Congressmen (no offense to the ladies) left to run. With Bob Ney's recent guilty plea, the total number of Republican "leaders" to resign in shame over the last few months now stands at four (if you include the already convicted Ney who has yet to resign), with another four under investigation.
Oh, where to begin? How about at the top? Tom Delay has been indicted in Texas for money laundering and election fixing. Bob Ney, of Jack Abramoff fame, was just convicted of conspiracy and improper gifting. Randall "Duke" Cunningham was convicted of accepting bribes to steer defense contracts. Mark Foley, of course, was outed as a part time pedophile. The ongoing investigations include but are not limited to: Senate majority leader, Bill Frist is under investigation by the SEC for insider trading, Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House and Senator Conrad Burns, are under investigation for their part in the scheme to defraud Indian tribes by lobbyist, Jack Abramoff. Jerry Lewis is under investigation for using earmarks to benefit one of his lobbyist friends, Bill Lowery.
On the soon to be under indictment list are the fellows in Congress that knew about the predator in the House, Mark Foley, they are as follows: House majority leader, John Boehner, Rep. Eric Cantor, Rep. Tom Davis, Rep. Tom Reynolds, Rep. John Smuckus, and the list goes on and on and on.
If the Republican majority can't even be trusted around children and money then why should we trust them to prosecute a war on "terror" or to protect our borders (see Asa Hutchinson)? These miserable fucks are only interested in two things, money and power. The quicker we relinquish them of the latter, we can take the former.
Once the Democrats have taken power in a few short weeks, the first order of business should be a rendering of all these thugs, including the President, V.P. and all their staffs to an undisclosed location in the Eastern bloc of the former Soviet Union for a little taste of their own medicine. These men are traitors to their country and terrorists to the rest of the world. Maybe we can get all these illegal immigrants started building a new Hague for all of the war criminals we have in our midst.


Anonymous said...

Can we take their Habeus Corpus rights too?

rob_star said...

That is exactly what I am proposing!