Friday, June 29, 2007

War is Peace


And now the Roberts court adds "Integration is Discrimination." Rolling back the famous Brown v. Board of Education ruling while purporting to uphold and quote it is, well, Orwellian. Justice Alito as well as Justice Roberts were both confirmed by the Senate, in no small measure, due to their testimony that they were firm believers in stare decisis(following prior precedent). Now, just months after claiming to be true conservatives and strict constructionists, Alito and Roberts lead the way in basically nullifying the famous Brown ruling. This blatant judicial activism will go unmentioned by the cable news 24 hour cycle. In decision after decision, the Roberts court has reversed course on important issues that have already been decided. Most of these decisions have been 5-4 rulings, with no principled reason for ruling counter to the previous ruling. Justice Ginsberg noted in one of her dissents, that the only thing that has changed has been Alito for O'Connor. Most recently, Roberts had the gall to cite Brown in saying that the government cannot assign whites and blacks to the same school in order to integrate them (The Brown decision had said that the government could not assign whites and blacks to different schools in order to segregate them.)

Thus, "Integration is Discrimination" Orwell would be so proud of Roberts and his newspeak.


Anonymous said...


Have you recently re-read 1984? If not, then you should. The theme is clearly just the opposite of what you have stated here.


rob_star said...

It doesn't surprise me in the least that you could read the same book as me, and come out with a different take. You and I could both read a repair manual and draw different conclusions. I'll bet you have 1984 listed in the "Inspirational" section of your libray DRB.